Source code for nest.raster_plot

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""" Functions for raster plotting."""

import nest
import numpy
import pylab
from pylab import show, savefig

[docs]def extract_events(data, time=None, sel=None): """Extract all events within a given time interval. Both time and sel may be used at the same time such that all events are extracted for which both conditions are true. Parameters ---------- data : list Matrix such that data[:,0] is a vector of all gids and data[:,1] a vector with the corresponding time stamps. time : list, optional List with at most two entries such that time=[t_max] extracts all events with t< t_max time=[t_min, t_max] extracts all events with t_min <= t < t_max sel : list, optional List of gids such that sel=[gid1, ... , gidn] extracts all events from these gids. All others are discarded. Returns ------- numpy.array List of events as (gid, t) tuples """ val = [] if time: t_max = time[-1] if len(time) > 1: t_min = time[0] else: t_min = 0 for v in data: t = v[1] gid = v[0] if time and (t < t_min or t >= t_max): continue if not sel or gid in sel: val.append(v) return numpy.array(val)
[docs]def from_data(data, sel=None, **kwargs): """Plot raster plot from data array. Parameters ---------- data : list Matrix such that data[:,0] is a vector of all gids and data[:,1] a vector with the corresponding time stamps. sel : list, optional List of gids such that sel=[gid1, ... , gidn] extracts all events from these gids. All others are discarded. kwargs: Parameters passed to _make_plot """ ts = data[:, 1] d = extract_events(data, sel=sel) ts1 = d[:, 1] gids = d[:, 0] return _make_plot(ts, ts1, gids, data[:, 0], **kwargs)
[docs]def from_file(fname, **kwargs): """Plot raster from file. Parameters ---------- fname : str or tuple(str) or list(str) File name or list of file names If a list of files is given, the data from them is concatenated as if it had been stored in a single file - useful when MPI is enabled and data is logged separately for each MPI rank, for example. kwargs: Parameters passed to _make_plot """ if isinstance(fname, str): fname = [fname] if isinstance(fname, (list, tuple)): try: global pandas pandas = __import__('pandas') from_file_pandas(fname, **kwargs) except ImportError: from_file_numpy(fname, **kwargs) else: print('fname should be one of str/list(str)/tuple(str).')
[docs]def from_file_pandas(fname, **kwargs): """Use pandas.""" data = None for f in fname: dataFrame = pandas.read_csv( f, sep='\s+', lineterminator='\n', header=None, index_col=None, skipinitialspace=True) newdata = dataFrame.values if data is None: data = newdata else: data = numpy.concatenate((data, newdata)) return from_data(data, **kwargs)
[docs]def from_file_numpy(fname, **kwargs): """Use numpy.""" data = None for f in fname: newdata = numpy.loadtxt(f) if data is None: data = newdata else: data = numpy.concatenate((data, newdata)) return from_data(data, **kwargs)
[docs]def from_device(detec, plot_lid=False, **kwargs): """ Plot raster from a spike detector. Parameters ---------- detec : TYPE Description plot_lid : bool, optional Whether to convert from local IDs kwargs: Parameters passed to _make_plot Raises ------ nest.NESTError """ if not nest.GetStatus(detec)[0]["model"] == "spike_detector": raise nest.NESTError("Please provide a spike_detector.") if nest.GetStatus(detec, "to_memory")[0]: ts, gids = _from_memory(detec) if not len(ts): raise nest.NESTError("No events recorded!") if plot_lid: gids = [nest.GetLID([x]) for x in gids] if "title" not in kwargs: kwargs["title"] = "Raster plot from device '%i'" % detec[0] if nest.GetStatus(detec)[0]["time_in_steps"]: xlabel = "Steps" else: xlabel = "Time (ms)" return _make_plot(ts, ts, gids, gids, xlabel=xlabel, **kwargs) elif nest.GetStatus(detec, "to_file")[0]: fname = nest.GetStatus(detec, "filenames")[0] return from_file(fname, **kwargs) else: raise nest.NESTError("No data to plot. Make sure that \ either to_memory or to_file are set.")
def _from_memory(detec): ev = nest.GetStatus(detec, "events")[0] return ev["times"], ev["senders"] def _make_plot(ts, ts1, gids, neurons, hist=True, hist_binwidth=5.0, grayscale=False, title=None, xlabel=None): """Generic plotting routine. Constructs a raster plot along with an optional histogram (common part in all routines above). Parameters ---------- ts : list All timestamps ts1 : list Timestamps corresponding to gids gids : list Global ids corresponding to ts1 neurons : list GIDs of neurons to plot hist : bool, optional Display histogram hist_binwidth : float, optional Width of histogram bins grayscale : bool, optional Plot in grayscale title : str, optional Plot title xlabel : str, optional Label for x-axis """ pylab.figure() if grayscale: color_marker = ".k" color_bar = "gray" else: color_marker = "." color_bar = "blue" color_edge = "black" if xlabel is None: xlabel = "Time (ms)" ylabel = "Neuron ID" if hist: ax1 = pylab.axes([0.1, 0.3, 0.85, 0.6]) plotid = pylab.plot(ts1, gids, color_marker) pylab.ylabel(ylabel) pylab.xticks([]) xlim = pylab.xlim() pylab.axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.85, 0.17]) t_bins = numpy.arange( numpy.amin(ts), numpy.amax(ts), float(hist_binwidth) ) n, bins = _histogram(ts, bins=t_bins) num_neurons = len(numpy.unique(neurons)) heights = 1000 * n / (hist_binwidth * num_neurons), heights, width=hist_binwidth, color=color_bar, edgecolor=color_edge) pylab.yticks([ int(x) for x in numpy.linspace(0.0, int(max(heights) * 1.1) + 5, 4) ]) pylab.ylabel("Rate (Hz)") pylab.xlabel(xlabel) pylab.xlim(xlim) pylab.axes(ax1) else: plotid = pylab.plot(ts1, gids, color_marker) pylab.xlabel(xlabel) pylab.ylabel(ylabel) if title is None: pylab.title("Raster plot") else: pylab.title(title) pylab.draw() return plotid def _histogram(a, bins=10, bin_range=None, normed=False): """Calculate histogram for data. Parameters ---------- a : list Data to calculate histogram for bins : int, optional Number of bins bin_range : TYPE, optional Range of bins normed : bool, optional Whether distribution should be normalized Raises ------ ValueError """ from numpy import asarray, iterable, linspace, sort, concatenate a = asarray(a).ravel() if bin_range is not None: mn, mx = bin_range if mn > mx: raise ValueError("max must be larger than min in range parameter") if not iterable(bins): if bin_range is None: bin_range = (a.min(), a.max()) mn, mx = [mi + 0.0 for mi in bin_range] if mn == mx: mn -= 0.5 mx += 0.5 bins = linspace(mn, mx, bins, endpoint=False) else: if (bins[1:] - bins[:-1] < 0).any(): raise ValueError("bins must increase monotonically") # best block size probably depends on processor cache size block = 65536 n = sort(a[:block]).searchsorted(bins) for i in range(block, a.size, block): n += sort(a[i:i + block]).searchsorted(bins) n = concatenate([n, [len(a)]]) n = n[1:] - n[:-1] if normed: db = bins[1] - bins[0] return 1.0 / (a.size * db) * n, bins else: return n, bins