Source code for nest.tests.test_connect_fixed_indegree

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of NEST.
# Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
# NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with NEST.  If not, see <>.

import numpy as np
import unittest
import scipy.stats
from . import test_connect_helpers as hf
from .test_connect_parameters import TestParams

[docs]class TestFixedInDegree(TestParams): # specify connection pattern and specific params rule = 'fixed_indegree' conn_dict = {'rule': rule} # sizes of source-, target-population and outdegree for connection test # and tests in test_Params N1 = 50 N2 = 70 Nin = 10 conn_dict['indegree'] = Nin # sizes of source-, target-population and outdegree for statistical test N_s = 10 N_t = 10 C = 10 # Critical values and number of iterations of two level test stat_dict = {'alpha2': 0.05, 'n_runs': 50} # tested on each mpi process separately
[docs] def testErrorMessages(self): got_error = False conn_params = self.conn_dict.copy() conn_params['autapses'] = True conn_params['multapses'] = False conn_params['indegree'] = self.N1 + 1 try: self.setUpNetwork(conn_params) except hf.nest.NESTError: got_error = True self.assertTrue(got_error)
[docs] def testInDegree(self): conn_params = self.conn_dict.copy() conn_params['autapses'] = False conn_params['multapses'] = False self.setUpNetwork(conn_params) # make sure the indegree is right M = hf.get_connectivity_matrix(self.pop1, self.pop2) inds = np.sum(M, axis=1) hf.mpi_assert(inds, self.Nin * np.ones(self.N2), self) # make sure no connections were drawn from the target to the source # population M = hf.get_connectivity_matrix(self.pop2, self.pop1) M_none = np.zeros((len(self.pop1), len(self.pop2))) hf.mpi_assert(M, M_none, self)
[docs] def testStatistics(self): conn_params = self.conn_dict.copy() conn_params['autapses'] = True conn_params['multapses'] = True conn_params['indegree'] = self.C expected = hf.get_expected_degrees_fixedDegrees( self.C, 'in', self.N_s, self.N_t) pvalues = [] for i in range(self.stat_dict['n_runs']): hf.reset_seed(i, self.nr_threads) self.setUpNetwork(conn_dict=conn_params, N1=self.N_s, N2=self.N_t) degrees = hf.get_degrees('out', self.pop1, self.pop2) degrees = hf.gather_data(degrees) if degrees is not None: chi, p = hf.chi_squared_check(degrees, expected) pvalues.append(p) hf.mpi_barrier() if degrees is not None: ks, p = scipy.stats.kstest(pvalues, 'uniform') self.assertTrue(p > self.stat_dict['alpha2'])
[docs] def testAutapsesTrue(self): conn_params = self.conn_dict.copy() N = 10 conn_params['multapses'] = False # test that autapses exist conn_params['indegree'] = N conn_params['autapses'] = True pop = hf.nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', N) hf.nest.Connect(pop, pop, conn_params) # make sure all connections do exist M = hf.get_connectivity_matrix(pop, pop) hf.mpi_assert(np.diag(M), np.ones(N), self)
[docs] def testAutapsesFalse(self): conn_params = self.conn_dict.copy() N = 10 conn_params['multapses'] = False # test that autapses were excluded conn_params['indegree'] = N - 1 conn_params['autapses'] = False pop = hf.nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', N) hf.nest.Connect(pop, pop, conn_params) # make sure all connections do exist M = hf.get_connectivity_matrix(pop, pop) hf.mpi_assert(np.diag(M), np.zeros(N), self)
[docs] def testMultapsesTrue(self): conn_params = self.conn_dict.copy() N = 3 conn_params['autapses'] = True # test that multapses were drawn conn_params['indegree'] = N + 1 conn_params['multapses'] = True pop = hf.nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', N) hf.nest.Connect(pop, pop, conn_params) nr_conns = len(hf.nest.GetConnections(pop, pop)) hf.mpi_assert(nr_conns, conn_params['indegree'] * N, self)
[docs] def testMultapsesFalse(self): conn_params = self.conn_dict.copy() N = 3 conn_params['autapses'] = True # test that no multapses exist conn_params['indegree'] = N conn_params['multapses'] = False pop = hf.nest.Create('iaf_psc_alpha', N) hf.nest.Connect(pop, pop, conn_params) M = hf.get_connectivity_matrix(pop, pop) M = hf.gather_data(M) if M is not None: self.assertTrue(M.flatten, np.ones(N * N))
[docs]def suite(): suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestFixedInDegree) return suite
[docs]def run(): runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2)
if __name__ == '__main__': run()