Source code for nest.tests.test_quantal_stp_synapse

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of NEST.
# Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
# NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with NEST.  If not, see <>.

# This script compares the two variants of the Tsodyks/Markram synapse in NEST.

import nest
import numpy
import unittest

[docs]@nest.check_stack class QuantalSTPSynapseTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """Compare quantal_stp_synapse with its deterministic equivalent."""
[docs] def test_QuantalSTPSynapse(self): """Compare quantal_stp_synapse with its deterministic equivalent""" nest.ResetKernel() nest.set_verbosity(100) n_syn = 12 # number of synapses in a connection n_trials = 50 # number of measurement trials # parameter set for facilitation fac_params = {"U": 0.03, "u": 0.03, "tau_fac": 500., "tau_rec": 200., "weight": 1.} # Here we assign the parameter set to the synapse models t1_params = fac_params # for tsodyks2_synapse t2_params = t1_params.copy() # for furhmann_synapse t2_params['n'] = n_syn t2_params['weight'] = 1. / n_syn nest.SetDefaults("tsodyks2_synapse", t1_params) nest.SetDefaults("quantal_stp_synapse", t2_params) nest.SetDefaults("iaf_psc_exp", {"tau_syn_ex": 3., 'tau_m': 70.}) source = nest.Create('spike_generator') nest.SetStatus( source, { 'spike_times': [ 30., 60., 90., 120., 150., 180., 210., 240., 270., 300., 330., 360., 390., 900.] } ) parrot = nest.Create('parrot_neuron') neuron = nest.Create("iaf_psc_exp", 2) # We must send spikes via parrot because devices cannot # connect through plastic synapses # See #478. nest.Connect(source, parrot) nest.Connect(parrot, neuron[:1], syn_spec="tsodyks2_synapse") nest.Connect(parrot, neuron[1:], syn_spec="quantal_stp_synapse") voltmeter = nest.Create("voltmeter", 2) nest.SetStatus(voltmeter, {"withgid": False, "withtime": True}) t_tot = 1500. # the following is a dry run trial so that the synapse dynamics is # idential in all subsequent trials. nest.Simulate(t_tot) # Now we connect the voltmeters nest.Connect([voltmeter[0]], [neuron[0]]) nest.Connect([voltmeter[1]], [neuron[1]]) for t in range(n_trials): t_net = nest.GetKernelStatus('time') nest.SetStatus(source, {'origin': t_net}) nest.Simulate(t_tot) nest.Simulate(.1) # flush the last voltmeter events from the queue vm = numpy.array(nest.GetStatus([voltmeter[1]], 'events')[0]['V_m']) vm_reference = numpy.array(nest.GetStatus( [voltmeter[0]], 'events')[0]['V_m']) assert(len(vm) % n_trials == 0) n_steps = int(len(vm) / n_trials) vm.shape = (n_trials, n_steps) vm_reference.shape = (n_trials, n_steps) vm_mean = numpy.mean(vm, axis=0) vm_ref_mean = numpy.mean(vm_reference, axis=0) error = numpy.sqrt((vm_ref_mean - vm_mean)**2) self.assertTrue(numpy.max(error) < 4.0e-4)
[docs]def suite(): suite = unittest.makeSuite(QuantalSTPSynapseTestCase, 'test') return suite
[docs]def run(): runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2)
if __name__ == "__main__": run()