Source code for nest.tests.test_rate_copy_model

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of NEST.
# Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
# NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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import nest
import unittest
import numpy as np

[docs]@nest.check_stack class RateCopyModelTestCase(unittest.TestCase): ''' Test whether a rate connection created by copy model behaves identical to the original version '''
[docs] def test_rate_copy_model(self): # neuron parameters neuron_params = {'tau': 5., 'std': 0.} drive = 1.5 weight = 0.5 # simulation parameters simtime = 100. dt = 0.001 nest.set_verbosity('M_WARNING') nest.ResetKernel() nest.SetKernelStatus( {'resolution': dt, 'use_wfr': True, 'print_time': False}) # set up rate neuron network rate_neuron_drive = nest.Create( 'lin_rate_ipn', params={'mean': drive, 'std': 0.}) rate_neuron_1 = nest.Create( 'lin_rate_ipn', params=neuron_params) rate_neuron_2 = nest.Create( 'lin_rate_ipn', params=neuron_params) multimeter = nest.Create( 'multimeter', params={ 'record_from': ['rate'], 'precision': 10, 'interval': dt}) # create new connection nest.CopyModel('rate_connection_instantaneous', 'rate_connection_new') # record rates and connect neurons neurons = rate_neuron_1 + rate_neuron_2 nest.Connect( multimeter, neurons, 'all_to_all', {'delay': 10.}) nest.Connect(rate_neuron_drive, rate_neuron_1, 'all_to_all', {'model': 'rate_connection_instantaneous', 'weight': weight}) nest.Connect(rate_neuron_drive, rate_neuron_2, 'all_to_all', {'model': 'rate_connection_new', 'weight': weight}) # simulate nest.Simulate(simtime) # make sure rates are identical events = nest.GetStatus(multimeter)[0]['events'] senders = events['senders'] rate_1 = np.array(events['rate'][np.where(senders == rate_neuron_1)]) rate_2 = np.array(events['rate'][np.where(senders == rate_neuron_2)]) assert(np.sum(np.abs(rate_2 - rate_1)) < 1e-12)
[docs]def suite(): # makeSuite is sort of obsolete # using loadTestsFromTestCase instead. suite1 = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase( RateCopyModelTestCase) return unittest.TestSuite([suite1])
[docs]def run(): runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2)
if __name__ == '__main__': run()