Source code for nest.tests.test_vogels_sprekeler_synapse

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of NEST.
# Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
# NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with NEST.  If not, see <>.

# This script tests the vogels_sprekeler_synapse in NEST.

import nest
import unittest
from math import exp

[docs]@nest.check_stack class VogelsSprekelerConnectionTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """Check vogels_sprekeler_synapse model properties."""
[docs] def setUp(self): """Set up the test.""" nest.set_verbosity('M_WARNING') nest.ResetKernel() # settings self.dendritic_delay = 1.0 self.decay_duration = 5.0 self.synapse_model = "vogels_sprekeler_synapse" self.syn_spec = { "model": self.synapse_model, "delay": self.dendritic_delay, "weight": 5.0, "eta": 0.001, "alpha": 0.1, "tau": 20., "Kplus": 0.0, "Wmax": 15., } # setup basic circuit self.pre_neuron = nest.Create("parrot_neuron") self.post_neuron = nest.Create("parrot_neuron") nest.Connect(self.pre_neuron, self.post_neuron, syn_spec=self.syn_spec)
[docs] def generateSpikes(self, neuron, times): """Trigger spike to given neuron at specified times.""" delay = self.dendritic_delay gen = nest.Create("spike_generator", 1, {"spike_times": [t-delay for t in times]}) nest.Connect(gen, neuron, syn_spec={"delay": delay})
[docs] def status(self, which): """Get synapse parameter status.""" stats = nest.GetConnections(self.pre_neuron, synapse_model=self.synapse_model) return nest.GetStatus(stats, [which])[0][0]
[docs] def decay(self, time, Kvalue): """Decay variables.""" Kvalue *= exp(- time / self.syn_spec["tau"]) return Kvalue
[docs] def facilitate(self, w, Kplus): """Facilitate weight.""" new_w = w + (self.syn_spec['eta'] * Kplus) return new_w if (new_w / self.status('Wmax') < 1.0) else \ self.syn_spec['Wmax']
[docs] def depress(self, w): """Depress weight.""" new_w = w - (self.syn_spec['alpha'] * self.syn_spec['eta']) return new_w if (new_w / self.status('Wmax') > 0.0) else 0
[docs] def assertAlmostEqualDetailed(self, expected, given, message): """Improve assetAlmostEqual with detailed message.""" messageWithValues = ("%s (expected: `%s` was: `%s`" % (message, str(expected), str(given))) self.assertAlmostEqual(given, expected, msg=messageWithValues)
[docs] def test_badPropertiesSetupsThrowExceptions(self): """Check that exceptions are thrown when setting bad parameters.""" def setupProperty(property): bad_syn_spec = self.syn_spec.copy() bad_syn_spec.update(property) nest.Connect(self.pre_neuron, self.post_neuron, syn_spec=bad_syn_spec) def badPropertyWith(content, parameters): self.assertRaisesRegexp(nest.NESTError, "BadProperty(.+)" + content, setupProperty, parameters) badPropertyWith("Kplus", {"Kplus": -1.0})
[docs] def test_varsZeroAtStart(self): """Check that pre and post-synaptic variables are zero at start.""" self.assertAlmostEqualDetailed(0.0, self.status("Kplus"), "Kplus should be zero")
[docs] def test_preVarsIncreaseWithPreSpike(self): """ Check that pre-synaptic variable, Kplus increase after each pre-synaptic spike. """ self.generateSpikes(self.pre_neuron, [2.0]) Kplus = self.status("Kplus") nest.Simulate(20.0) self.assertAlmostEqualDetailed(Kplus + 1.0, self.status("Kplus"), "Kplus should have increased by 1")
[docs] def test_preVarsDecayAfterPreSpike(self): """ Check that pre-synaptic variables Kplus decay after each pre-synaptic spike. """ self.generateSpikes(self.pre_neuron, [2.0]) self.generateSpikes(self.pre_neuron, [2.0 + self.decay_duration]) # trigger computation Kplus = self.decay(self.decay_duration, 1.0) Kplus += 1.0 nest.Simulate(20.0) self.assertAlmostEqualDetailed(Kplus, self.status("Kplus"), "Kplus should have decay")
[docs] def test_preVarsDecayAfterPostSpike(self): """ Check that pre-synaptic variables Kplus decay after each post-synaptic spike. """ self.generateSpikes(self.pre_neuron, [2.0]) self.generateSpikes(self.post_neuron, [3.0, 4.0]) self.generateSpikes(self.pre_neuron, [2.0 + self.decay_duration]) # trigger computation Kplus = self.decay(self.decay_duration, 1.0) Kplus += 1.0 nest.Simulate(20.0) self.assertAlmostEqualDetailed(Kplus, self.status("Kplus"), "Kplus should have decay")
[docs] def test_weightChangeWhenPrePostSpikes(self): """Check that weight changes whenever a pre-post spike pair happen.""" self.generateSpikes(self.pre_neuron, [2.0]) self.generateSpikes(self.post_neuron, [4.0]) self.generateSpikes(self.pre_neuron, [6.0]) # trigger computation print("") weight = self.status("weight") Kplus = self.status("Kplus") Kminus = 0. Kplus = self.decay(2.0, Kplus) # first pre-synaptic spike weight = self.facilitate(weight, Kminus) weight = self.depress(weight) Kplus += 1.0 # Resultant postspike at 3.0ms (because we're using parrot neurons, the # prespike causes a postspike too Kminus += 1.0 # Planned postspike at 4.0ms Kminus = self.decay(1.0, Kminus) Kminus += 1.0 # next pre-synaptic spike # first postspike in history dt = 2.0 Kplus_temp1 = self.decay(2.0, Kplus) weight = self.facilitate(weight, Kplus_temp1) # second postspike in history dt = 3.0 Kplus_temp2 = self.decay(3.0, Kplus) weight = self.facilitate(weight, Kplus_temp2) Kminus = self.decay(1.0, Kminus) weight = self.facilitate(weight, Kminus) weight = self.depress(weight) Kplus = self.decay(4.0, Kplus) # The simulation using Nest nest.Simulate(20.0) self.assertAlmostEqualDetailed(weight, self.status("weight"), "weight should have increased")
[docs] def test_maxWeightStaturatesWeight(self): """Check that setting maximum weight property keep weight limited.""" limited_weight = self.status("weight") + 1e-10 conn = nest.GetConnections(target=self.post_neuron, source=self.pre_neuron) # disable depression to make it get to max weight # increase eta to cause enough facilitation nest.SetStatus(conn, "Wmax", limited_weight) nest.SetStatus(conn, "eta", 5.) nest.SetStatus(conn, "alpha", 0.) self.generateSpikes(self.pre_neuron, [2.0]) self.generateSpikes(self.post_neuron, [3.0]) self.generateSpikes(self.pre_neuron, [4.0]) # trigger computation self.assertAlmostEqualDetailed(limited_weight, self.status("weight"), "weight should have been limited")
[docs]def suite(): return unittest.makeSuite(VogelsSprekelerConnectionTestCase, "test")
[docs]def run(): runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2)
if __name__ == "__main__": run()