from scipy.special import erf from scipy import stats import nest import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from tabulate import tabulate from itertools import compress # CONSTANTS sim_time = 1000.0 #ms sim_res = 1.0 #ms IS THIS SAME NEST IZ Model's 'h' ? timeVec=list(range(0,(int(sim_time)-1))) #ms a=0.02 b=0.2 c=-65.0 d=8.0 Vm0=-65.0 Um0=b*Vm0 V_th=30.0 # *** threshold for spiking **** I_e=5.0 I_eVec=I_e*(np.ones((int(sim_time)-1), #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nest.ResetKernel() nest.SetKernelStatus({'resolution': sim_res}) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Test-1, NEST "Izhikevich" Model test1='Nest Iz' neuron1 = nest.Create('izhikevich', params={ 'a': a, 'b': b, 'c': c, 'd': d, 'I_e': I_e, 'consistent_integration': False, 'U_m': Um0, 'V_m': Vm0, 'V_th': V_th}) mm = nest.Create("multimeter", params={ "withtime":True, 'withgid': True, 'precision': 17, "record_from":["V_m","U_m"]}) spikedetector = nest.Create("spike_detector", params={ 'withgid': True, #'withgid' used to tell spike detector to record the source id from which it received the event (i.e. the id of our neuron) 'withtime': True, #'withtime' used to tell spike detector to record the time received event from source id 'to_memory': True}) #False, # default is True nest.Connect(mm, neuron1) nest.Connect(neuron1, spikedetector) nest.Simulate(sim_time) v1=np.array(nest.GetStatus(mm)[0]["events"]["V_m"],dtype=np.float64) #V_m vector for plot u1=np.array(nest.GetStatus(mm)[0]["events"]["U_m"],dtype=np.float64) #U_m vector for plot #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Test-7 NEST Izhikevich ODEs in Python # ref: # Rewrite lines 224-239 from C++ to Python h = 1. #Time::get_resolution().get_ms(); V_min= -1.8e+308 v7=c*np.ones(len(timeVec)+1) u7=Um0*np.zeros(len(timeVec)+1) I_e7=np.zeros(len(timeVec)+1) spiketimes7=np.zeros(len(timeVec)) I_e7=I_e*(np.ones((int(sim_time)), v7[0] = c + (0.04 * Vm0+5.0) * Vm0 + 140.0 - Um0 + I_e7[0] #v[i]+=0.5*((0.04*v[i]+5)*v[i]+140-u[i]+I[i]); i=all neurons @t u7[0] = Um0 + a * ( 0.2 * Vm0 - Um0 ); #u[i]+=a[i]*(0.2*v[i]-u[i]); i=all neurons @t for t in range(1,999): # for ( long lag = from; lag < to; ++lag ) # I_syn = B_.spikes_.get_value( lag ); v7[t] = v7[t-1] + h * 0.5 * ( 0.04 * v7[t-1] * v7[t-1] + 5.0 * v7[t-1] + 140.0 - u7[t-1] + I_e7[t]) #+ S.I_ + I_syn ); v7[t] = v7[t] + h * 0.5 * ( 0.04 * v7[t] * v7[t] + 5.0 * v7[t] + 140.0 - u7[t-1] + I_e7[t]) #+ S.I_ + I_syn ); u7[t] = u7[t-1] + h * a * ( b * v7[t] - u7[t-1] ); # lower bound of membrane potential # v7 = ( v7 < V_min ? V_min : v7 ); # [i for i in v7 if V_min <= i] if V_min > v7[t]: v7[t]=V_min # threshold crossing if ( v7[t] >= V_th ): v7[t] = c u7[t] = u7[t] + d #compute spike time spiketimes7[t]=1 # set_spiketime( Time::step( origin.get_steps() + lag + 1 ) ); #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Test-8 Exact Iz C++ in Python # ref:, lines 784-872 # ref: C:\Users\AR\Google Drive\(Drive) CSI 899 and Research\Reproducing IZ Model\reproducing-polychronization-master\reproducing-polychronization-master\code\original_model\poly_spnet.cpp # ref:, lines 784-872 # ref: C:\Users\AR\Google Drive\(Drive) CSI 899 and Research\Reproducing IZ Model\reproducing-polychronization-master\reproducing-polychronization-master\code\original_model\poly_spnet_bitwise_reproduction.cpp # lines starting at 819 v8=c*np.ones(len(timeVec)+1) u8=Um0*np.zeros(len(timeVec)+1) I_e8=np.zeros(len(timeVec)+1) spiketimes8=np.zeros(len(timeVec)) I_eVec8=I_e*(np.ones((int(sim_time)), I_e8=I_eVec8 v8[0] = c + (0.04 * Vm0+5.0) * Vm0 + 140.0 - Um0 + I_e8[0] #v[i]+=0.5*((0.04*v[i]+5)*v[i]+140-u[i]+I[i]); i=all neurons @t u8[0] = Um0 + a * ( 0.2 * Vm0 - Um0 ); #u[i]+=a[i]*(0.2*v[i]-u[i]); i=all neurons @t for t in range(1,999): # for (t=0;t<1000;t++) if ( v8[t-1] >= V_th ): # fired = find(v>=30); v8[t-1] = c # v[i] = -65; i=all neurons @t u8[t-1] = u8[t-1] + d # u[i]+=d[i]; i=all neurons @t spiketimes8[t-1]=1 # firings[N_firings ][0]=t; v8[t] = v8[t-1] + 0.5 * ( ( 0.04 * v8[t-1]+5.0 ) * v8[t-1] + 140.0 - u8[t-1] + I_e8[t] ) #v[i]+=0.5*((0.04*v[i]+5)*v[i]+140-u[i]+I[i]); i=all neurons @t v8[t] = v8[t] + 0.5 * ( ( 0.04 * v8[t]+5.0 ) * v8[t] + 140.0 - u8[t-1] + I_e8[t] ) #v[i]+=0.5*((0.04*v[i]+5)*v[i]+140-u[i]+I[i]); i=all neurons @t u8[t] = u8[t-1] + a * ( 0.2 * v8[t] - u8[t-1] ); #u[i]+=a[i]*(0.2*v[i]-u[i]); i=all neurons @t #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compare Potentials & Spikes from NEST Model, Python (NEST ODE), Python (Paper ODE) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TABLES #TABLE-Spike Counts spikeCounts = [np.count_nonzero(x1 == -65.0) for x1 in [v1,v7,v8]] #sequence.indices() print('SPIKES:\n', spikeCounts[0], " NEST Model\n", spikeCounts[1], " Python (NEST ODE)\n",spikeCounts[2]," Python (Paper ODE)") #handles=[spNEST, spODE1, spODE2] #TABLE-Potential Values during 1st 10 ms vResults = [(x2, v1[x2], v7[x2], v8[x2]) for x2 in range(0, 10)] #0 to 10 ms print(tabulate(vResults, headers=["1st 10ms", "NEST Model", "Python (NEST ODE)","Python (Paper ODE)"])) # TABLE-Spike Times, in order tResults=[(x3, nest.GetStatus(spikedetector)[0]["events"]['times'][x3], list(compress(timeVec,(v7==-65)))[x3], list(compress(timeVec,(v8==-65)))[x3]) for x3 in range(1, min(spikeCounts))] print(tabulate(tResults, headers=["Spiking Order", "NEST Model Sp (ms)", "Python (NEST ODE) Sp (ms)","Python (Paper ODE) Sp (ms)"])) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #PLOTS #PLOT--POTENTIAL fig, axs = plt.subplots(num=100,nrows=3, ncols=1) fig.suptitle('Izhikevich Neuron:\n' + 'NEST Model, Python (NEST ODE), Python (Paper ODE)\n' + r'Params: a: %s b: %s c: %s d: %s V_th %s I_e: %s' %(a,b,c,d,V_th,I_e)) axs[0].plot(timeVec,v1, 'b-', label = 'NEST Model') axs[0].set_xlabel('time (ms)') axs[0].set_ylabel('V_m (mV)') axs[0].legend(loc='upper right') axs[1].plot(timeVec,v7[:-1], 'r', label = 'Python (NEST ODE)') axs[1].set_xlabel('time (ms)') axs[1].set_ylabel('V_m (mV)') axs[1].legend(loc='upper right') axs[2].plot(timeVec,v8[:-1], 'g', label = 'Python (Paper ODE)') axs[2].set_xlabel('time (ms)') axs[2].set_ylabel('V_m (mV)') axs[2].legend(loc='upper right') #PLOT--SPIKE TIMES dspd = nest.GetStatus(spikedetector)[0]["events"] sp1Ind=np.where(dspd["senders"] == 1) tspd1 = dspd["times"][sp1Ind] plt.figure(101) # plt.title('Spikes: NEST Model, Python (NEST ODE), Python (Paper ODE)') spNEST = plt.scatter(tspd1, (dspd["senders"][sp1Ind]), color='b', s=50.0, alpha=1.0, marker='*', label='NEST spikes') spODE1 = plt.scatter(timeVec,spiketimes8==1,color='r', s=30.0, alpha=0.5, marker='v', label = 'Python (NEST ODE) Spikes') #v4[:-1]==-65 spODE2 = plt.scatter(timeVec,spiketimes8==1,color='g', s=200.0, alpha=1.0, marker='|', label = 'Python (Paper ODE) Spikes') #v4[:-1]==-65 plt.xlabel('time (ms)') plt.ylabel('spikes') plt.ylim([0.5, 1.5]) plt.legend(handles=[spNEST, spODE1, spODE2])