
I am using an example synapse model which utilizes both post and pre spikes (nestml/models/synapses/stdp_nn_symm.nestml at master · nest/nestml (github.com)). 
I get an error: 
 File "/dss/dsshome1/00/ge72puf2/.conda/envs/nest/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pynestml/codegeneration/nest_code_generator.py", line 469, in _get_synapse_model_namespace
    assert len(namespace["pre_ports"]) <= 1, "Synapses only support one spiking input port"
AssertionError: Synapses only support one spiking input port

It is confusing: can I or can I not use a model with 2 synaptic inputs (post and pre)? Is that a version thing?

Best regards,