Source code for nest.lib.hl_api_helper

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of NEST.
# Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
# NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with NEST.  If not, see <>.

These are helper functions to ease the definition of the high-level
API of the PyNEST wrapper.

import warnings
import inspect
import json
import functools
import textwrap
import subprocess
import os
import re
import sys

from string import Template

# These variables MUST be set by right after importing.
# There is no safety net, whatsoever.
sps = spp = sr = pcd = kernel = None

# These flags are used to print deprecation warnings only once. The
# corresponding functions will be removed in the 2.6 release of NEST.
_deprecation_warning = {'BackwardCompatibilityConnect': True}

[docs]def get_wrapped_text(text, width=80): """Formats a given multiline string to wrap at a given width, while preserving newlines (and removing excessive whitespace). Parameters ---------- text : str String to format Returns ------- str: Wrapped string """ lines = text.split("\n") lines = [textwrap.fill(" ".join(l.split()), width=width) for l in lines] return "\n".join(lines)
[docs]def show_deprecation_warning(func_name, alt_func_name=None, text=None): """Shows a deprecation warning for a function. Parameters ---------- func_name : str Name of the deprecated function alt_func_name : str, optional Name of the function to use instead text : str, optional Text to display instead of standard text """ if _deprecation_warning[func_name]: if alt_func_name is None: alt_func_name = 'Connect' if text is None: text = "{0} is deprecated and will be removed in a future \ version of NEST.\nPlease use {1} instead!\n\ For details, see\\ ".format(func_name, alt_func_name) text = get_wrapped_text(text) warnings.warn('\n' + text) # add LF so text starts on new line _deprecation_warning[func_name] = False
# Since we need to pass extra arguments to the decorator, we need a # decorator factory. See
[docs]def deprecated(alt_func_name, text=None): """Decorator for deprecated functions. Shows a warning and calls the original function. Parameters ---------- alt_func_name : str, optional Name of the function to use instead text : str, optional Text to display instead of standard text Returns ------- function: Decorator function """ def deprecated_decorator(func): _deprecation_warning[func.__name__] = True @functools.wraps(func) def new_func(*args, **kwargs): show_deprecation_warning(func.__name__, alt_func_name, text=text) return func(*args, **kwargs) return new_func return deprecated_decorator
[docs]def get_unistring_type(): """Returns string type dependent on python version. Returns ------- str or basestring: Depending on Python version """ import sys if sys.version_info[0] < 3: return basestring return str
uni_str = get_unistring_type()
[docs]def is_literal(obj): """Check whether obj is a "literal": a unicode string or SLI literal Parameters ---------- obj : object Object to check Returns ------- bool: True if obj is a "literal" """ return isinstance(obj, (uni_str, kernel.SLILiteral))
[docs]def is_string(obj): """Check whether obj is a unicode string Parameters ---------- obj : object Object to check Returns ------- bool: True if obj is a unicode string """ return isinstance(obj, uni_str)
__debug = False
[docs]def get_debug(): """Return the current value of the debug flag of the high-level API. Returns ------- bool: current value of the debug flag """ global __debug return __debug
[docs]def set_debug(dbg=True): """Set the debug flag of the high-level API. Parameters ---------- dbg : bool, optional Value to set the debug flag to """ global __debug __debug = dbg
[docs]def stack_checker(f): """Decorator to add stack checks to functions using PyNEST's low-level API. This decorator works only on functions. See check_stack() for the generic version for functions and classes. Parameters ---------- f : function Function to decorate Returns ------- function: Decorated function Raises ------ kernel.NESTError """ @functools.wraps(f) def stack_checker_func(*args, **kwargs): if not get_debug(): return f(*args, **kwargs) else: sr('count') stackload_before = spp() result = f(*args, **kwargs) sr('count') num_leftover_elements = spp() - stackload_before if num_leftover_elements != 0: eargs = (f.__name__, num_leftover_elements) etext = "Function '%s' left %i elements on the stack." raise kernel.NESTError(etext % eargs) return result return stack_checker_func
[docs]def check_stack(thing): """Convenience wrapper for applying the stack_checker decorator to all class methods of the given class, or to a given function. If the object cannot be decorated, it is returned unchanged. Parameters ---------- thing : function or class Description Returns ------- function or class Decorated function or class Raises ------ ValueError """ if inspect.isfunction(thing): return stack_checker(thing) elif inspect.isclass(thing): for name, mtd in inspect.getmembers(thing, predicate=inspect.ismethod): if name.startswith("test_"): setattr(thing, name, stack_checker(mtd)) return thing else: raise ValueError("unable to decorate {0}".format(thing))
[docs]def is_iterable(seq): """Return True if the given object is an iterable, False otherwise. Parameters ---------- seq : object Object to check Returns ------- bool: True if object is an iterable """ try: iter(seq) except TypeError: return False return True
[docs]def is_coercible_to_sli_array(seq): """Checks whether a given object is coercible to a SLI array Parameters ---------- seq : object Object to check Returns ------- bool: True if object is coercible to a SLI array """ import sys if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: return isinstance(seq, (tuple, list, range)) else: return isinstance(seq, (tuple, list, xrange))
[docs]def is_sequence_of_connections(seq): """Checks whether low-level API accepts seq as a sequence of connections. Parameters ---------- seq : object Object to check Returns ------- bool: True if object is an iterable of dictionaries or subscriptables of CONN_LEN """ try: cnn = next(iter(seq)) return isinstance(cnn, dict) or len(cnn) == kernel.CONN_LEN except TypeError: pass return False
[docs]def is_sequence_of_gids(seq): """Checks whether the argument is a potentially valid sequence of GIDs (non-negative integers). Parameters ---------- seq : object Object to check Returns ------- bool: True if object is a potentially valid sequence of GIDs """ return all(isinstance(n, int) and n >= 0 for n in seq)
[docs]def broadcast(item, length, allowed_types, name="item"): """Broadcast item to given length. Parameters ---------- item : object Object to broadcast length : int Length to broadcast to allowed_types : list List of allowed types name : str, optional Name of item Returns ------- object: The original item broadcasted to sequence form of length Raises ------ TypeError """ if isinstance(item, allowed_types): return length * (item, ) elif len(item) == 1: return length * item elif len(item) != length: raise TypeError("'{0}' must be a single value, a list with " + "one element or a list with {1} elements.".format( name, length)) return item
def __check_nb(): """Return true if called from a Jupyter notebook.""" try: return get_ipython().__class__.__name__.startswith('ZMQ') except NameError: return False def __show_help_in_modal_window(objname, hlptxt): """Open modal window with help text Parameters ---------- objname : str filename hlptxt : str Full text """ hlptxt = json.dumps(hlptxt) style = "<style>.modal-body p { display: block;unicode-bidi: embed; " \ "font-family: monospace; white-space: pre; }</style>" s = Template(""" require( ["base/js/dialog"], function(dialog) { dialog.modal({ title: '$jstitle', body: $jstext, buttons: { 'close': {} } }); } ); """) from IPython.display import HTML, Javascript, display display(HTML(style)) display(Javascript(s.substitute(jstitle=objname, jstext=hlptxt)))
[docs]def get_help_filepath(hlpobj): """Get file path of help object Prints message if no help is available for hlpobj. Parameters ---------- hlpobj : string Object to display help for Returns ------- string: Filepath of the help object or None if no help available """ helpdir = os.path.join(sli_func("statusdict/prgdocdir ::"), "help") objname = hlpobj + '.hlp' for dirpath, dirnames, files in os.walk(helpdir): for hlp in files: if hlp == objname: objf = os.path.join(dirpath, objname) return objf else: print("Sorry, there is no help for '" + hlpobj + "'.") return None
[docs]def load_help(hlpobj): """Returns documentation of the object Parameters ---------- hlpobj : object Object to display help for Returns ------- string: The documentation of the object or None if no help available """ objf = get_help_filepath(hlpobj) if objf: with open(objf, 'r') as fhlp: hlptxt = return hlptxt else: return None
def __is_executable(path, candidate): """Returns true for executable files.""" candidate = os.path.join(path, candidate) return os.access(candidate, os.X_OK) and os.path.isfile(candidate)
[docs]def show_help_with_pager(hlpobj, pager=None): """Output of doc in python with pager or print Parameters ---------- hlpobj : object Object to display pager: str, optional pager to use, False if you want to display help using print(). """ if sys.version_info < (2, 7, 8): print("NEST help is only available with Python 2.7.8 or later.\n") return if 'NEST_INSTALL_DIR' not in os.environ: print( 'NEST help needs to know where NEST is installed.' 'Please source or define NEST_INSTALL_DIR manually.') return # check that help is available objf = get_help_filepath(hlpobj) if objf is None: return # message is printed by get_help_filepath() if __check_nb(): # Display help in notebook # Load the helptext, check the file exists. hlptxt = load_help(hlpobj) if hlptxt: # Opens modal window only in notebook. objname = hlpobj + '.hlp' __show_help_in_modal_window(objname, hlptxt) return if not pager and pager is not None: # pager == False: display using print() # Note: we cannot use "pager is False" as Numpy has its own False hlptxt = load_help(hlpobj) if hlptxt: print(hlptxt) return # Help is to be displayed by pager # try to find a pager if not explicitly given if pager is None: pager = sli_func('/page /command GetOption') # pager == false if .nestrc does not define one if not pager: # Search for pager in path. The following is based on # for candidate in ['less', 'more', 'cat']: if any(__is_executable(path, candidate) for path in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep)): pager = candidate break # check that we have a pager if not pager: print('NEST help requires a pager program. You can configure ' 'it in the .nestrc file in your home directory.') return try: subprocess.check_call([pager, objf]) except (OSError, IOError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): print('Displaying help with pager "{}" failed. ' 'Please define a working parser in file .nestrc ' 'in your home directory.'.format(pager))
[docs]@check_stack def get_verbosity(): """Return verbosity level of NEST's messages. Returns ------- int: The current verbosity level """ # Defined in hl_api_helper to avoid circular inclusion problem with # sr('verbosity') return spp()
[docs]@check_stack def set_verbosity(level): """Change verbosity level for NEST's messages. Parameters ---------- level : str Can be one of 'M_FATAL', 'M_ERROR', 'M_WARNING', 'M_DEPRECATED', 'M_INFO' or 'M_ALL'. """ # Defined in hl_api_helper to avoid circular inclusion problem with # sr("{} setverbosity".format(level))
[docs]def model_deprecation_warning(model): """Checks whether the model is to be removed in a future verstion of NEST. If so, a deprecation warning is issued. Parameters ---------- model: str Name of model """ deprecated_models = {'subnet': 'GIDCollection', 'aeif_cond_alpha_RK5': 'aeif_cond_alpha'} if model in deprecated_models: text = "The {0} model is deprecated and will be removed in a \ future version of NEST, use {1} instead.\ ".format(model, deprecated_models[model]) text = get_wrapped_text(text) warnings.warn('\n' + text)
[docs]class SuppressedDeprecationWarning(object): """ Context manager turning off deprecation warnings for given methods. Think thoroughly before use. This context should only be used as a way to make sure examples do not display deprecation warnings, that is, used in functions called from examples, and not as a way to make tedious deprecation warnings dissapear. """ def __init__(self, no_dep_funcs): """ Parameters ---------- no_dep_funcs: Function name (string) or iterable of function names for which to suppress deprecation warnings """ self._no_dep_funcs = (no_dep_funcs if not is_string(no_dep_funcs) else (no_dep_funcs, )) self._deprecation_status = {} self._verbosity_level = get_verbosity() def __enter__(self): for func_name in self._no_dep_funcs: self._deprecation_status[func_name] = _deprecation_warning[func_name] # noqa _deprecation_warning[func_name] = False # Suppress only if verbosity level is deprecated or lower if self._verbosity_level <= sli_func('M_DEPRECATED'): set_verbosity(sli_func('M_WARNING')) def __exit__(self, *args): # Reset the verbosity level and deprecation warning status set_verbosity(self._verbosity_level) for func_name, deprec_status in self._deprecation_status.items(): _deprecation_warning[func_name] = deprec_status